Sometimes during a greeting scenario a dog may pee. While this is common and normal, it can be frustrating when it’s happening in your home. Dogs do generally grow out of this. You won’t meet many 5 year old dogs that are still doing it. But you also don’t have to wait until they grow out of it. Here is a short list of things you can try:
1. Introduce food or toys during the greeting. Doing this can switch their brain into food or toy mode. Most dogs don’t pee when they’re eating or playing.
2. Have people ignore your dog until your dog has calmed down a bit. (You’ll want to use a leash for this so that your dog cannot access the person.)
3. Give your dog something to work on while the guest arrives. Giving your dog a stuffed Kong or special chew can decrease the excitement which can decrease the chances of pee.
4. Go for a walk with the guest instead of having the initial greeting happen inside your home. If you pair this with 1 or 2, you’ll likely be in a good place.